Monthly Archives: October 2007

Getting Up Close and Personal

One of the very best ways of developing your internet business is by attending events. Not necessarily to learn new things, though that almost invariably happens, but also to stand in the way of good fortune so that it can run you over. By that I mean that this is where the product developers, gurus, […]

Free KeyWord Software Tool is an interesting free tool for keyword research using a graphical representation to show how different terms relate.  So it would be useful for building silo sites for optimum linking. However, it does suffer from the weakness of not providing any statistical data with the keywords.  So it becomes impossible to target your marketing […]

Finding Your Files

There are lots of us who start our internet marketing journey from the business side rather than from the technical computer side.  I know from my own experience as a classic corporate user that my response to any problem with my computer or the software was to pick up the telephone and call for the […]