Communicating With Your Customers
If you have been here before you might remember that this site used to have a static front page like many websites although it is, in fact, a WordPress blog. You can still see that page under ‘The Internet Marketing Jungle’ under ‘Discover more..’ in the right sidebar – it just no longer fronts up the site because my objectives have changed.
This was a reflection of the original purpose of the site which was very simply for my personal use to collect useful information relating to internet marketing in one place that I could access from anywhere – even if I was not lugging my laptop with me (whoever invented the phrase ‘mobile computing’ still has a lot to learn!)
After a while I realised that I was referring my friends and colleagues to the site so they could access useful information or software that I had accumulated and I was losing the potential of making affiliate sales – so I started methodically converting the links to affiliate links and most importantly I converted it from a standard html coded site to a WordPress blog.
This was at about the stage when I realised just how futile and timewasting it is to struggle with technical issues when you are not a technician. A blog, especially WordPress which has become the ‘de facto’ standard, dispenses with the majority of tech problems and made it easier for me to add or edit content directly and from anywhere I could access the web without having to worry about webmasters and/or the necessity to have an html editor available. So I converted the site to a WordPress blog.
That’s not to say that it all went swimmingly. I soon found that WordPress can have it’s own technical problems and although it is written as open source software one of the results of that is that there are occasions where the programmers perception of the world is not quite the same as that of the innocent user. Nor, despite it being open source with a supposedly common core, do all of the plug-ins that provide the different types of functionality necessarily work seamlessly together without some technical massaging by someone who knows what they are doing.
So now I had my content on a WordPress blog but being a non-techie I was still struggling with some aspects of WordPress. I’ll bring you up to speed on the solution in my next post.