Rick Butts Kicks Butt

For all newbies to the internet marketing game the problem of information overload of ‘the greatest next big thing’ recommendations from ‘gurus’ is a real problem.

If you have not seen Scott Boulch’s latest report, ‘The Internet Marketing Cure’, then I would recommend it for its take on the current state of this business.  In it, he recommends that every time your receive a recommendation to buy some product you reply and ask for proof of the affiliates success with the product.

No reply means you unsubscribe from their list as they are not providing real value.

Rick Butts was the first to grasp the nettle and you can see the response it has generated over on his blog

You really should go and read the comments.  Wow! That’s how to start a conversation.


Bruce is an Internet Business Consultant working with successful business owners to improve their online marketing efforts and ensure they achieve a return on investment. You can find his business site over at http://OnlineMarketingForBusiness.co.uk.

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