Smart Marketing Warriors
The Global Internet Summit in London last weekend has converted a concept development idea into a need for massive action.
A few weeks ago, four of us from the monthly Smart Marketing meetup decided that as our monthly meetings had slowly expanded from a couple of hours on a Saturday morning to fill most of the day it was time for us to become better organised.
So we started to think about using our accumulated experience and knowledge to create a training process for budding internet marketers.
Last weekend at GIS changed all that. The market demand for a step by step approach to online marketing, especially for individuals and small off-line businesses looking to develop their business online at a reasonable price was staring us in the face. Laurie Dalton and I rapidly ran out of business cards and had to resort to exchanging scraps of paper with interested entrepreneurs.
The result is that we are taking massive action and putting together the facilities to provide reasonably priced training at a pace that individuals can absorb without having to take chunks out of their credit card to get there.
The work in progress is over at If you are interested then do please visit and register so that we can communicate with you about meetings and the training we will be able to provide.
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