Browser Update

Your choice of browser is not a frequent subject of conversation as web surfers tend to make a choice and stick with it.  Indeed many users are unaware that there even is a choice after buying their pc or laptops with pre-installed software including the default browser – inevitably Internet Explorer from Microsoft.

However, recently the European courts required Microsoft to remind it’s users by way of an opening screen with links to their competitors sites that they do have a choice. This must be galling for Microsoft but a useful reminder to all businesses that when you become dominant in your field the world has a knack of kicking you in the teeth just to remind you who’s in charge.

Anyway, I’ve updated the page here on Browsers to give an updated view of the available tools.

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Bruce is an Internet Business Consultant working with successful business owners to improve their online marketing efforts and ensure they achieve a return on investment. You can find his business site over at

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