Getting Started
To arrive at a destination it is imperative that you know where you are going – and how to get there. Much of this information is missing from the internet marketing scene as new entrants are fired up with enthusiasm and tend to forget that this is a business they are getting into. You are going to spend your time and money on this activity. So decide now if it is going to be a hobby or a business.
If it is going to be a business then I highly recommend Resource Cashmap. (Seems like this link died after Mark Joyner bought up the company – which must say something good about it. So you will probably now find it under his brand of Simpleology). The package consists of a set of process maps – called Cashmaps – that show you the steps necessary to setting up and growing an online business. I have to go through the ritual and say that if I had seen this when I started then I would have progressed an awful lot faster. There are 10 cashmaps in the basic package as follows:
Cashmap 1 – Establish Your Business – From creating a vision and mission statement to set-up a business checking account, Cashmap 1 will share it all!
Cashmap 2 – Brand & Promote Your Business – Cashmap 2 shares with you the steps to developing a corporate brand and promoting your business!
Cashmap 3 – Set-Up Your Business Infrastructure – What are the underlying “guts” of your business operation? Cashmap 3 will show what you “should” have in place!
Cashmap 4 – Map Your Business Processes – “The Money Is In The Map” – Cashmap 4 will show you the step-by-step actions required to develop and utilize Cashmaps of your own business systems to uncover hidden profits
Cashmap 5 – Build & Grow An E-mail List – Cashmap 5 will show you the Cashsteps necessary to build a large and responsive e-mail list
Cashmap 6 – Generate Product Ideas – Having trouble finding product ideas? Let Cashmap 6 share the steps and important resources to eliminate your “product block”
Cashmap 7 – Develop Your Product – Learn the steps and hidden secrets that are necessary to create a “flawless” product in days – NOT weeks
Cashmap 8 – Build & Optimize Your Website – Cashmap 8 will help to build a profit generating website with all of the “bells & whistles” like TOP internet marketers
Cashmap 9 – Promote Your Product – Cashmap 9 shows you important resources to help you “get the word out” and create excitement about your product
Cashmap 10 – Sell & Distribute Your Product – Cashmap 10 shares with you the key steps to maximize your sales process and automate the delivery of your product
At each step, there are one or more online resources that are referenced so that you can see exactly when and where to use the resource. Amazingly, this treasure trove of useful, directed information is free.
Overall – this is a great product. The only thing that it seems to be missing is a write-up to help distinguish between the resources. There’s so many resources on here that it’s sometimes a bit hard to decide which one to use!
One of the hardest parts of getting started in Internet Marketing is working out what on earth everyone is talking about. You have no visual conception of what hosts are, servers, domain names, URLs and a legion of other words that are the bricks and mortar of the internet.
So the first thing you need are some simple tools to build a simple website and help you understand and get the wheels turning. There are a couple of products here to get you started.
DIY Minisites – Free and recommended by friends of mine and it looks good although I have not used it myself. I came across it long after I needed it most!
Mini Site Secrets – as for DIY minisites – everything from the beginning – and still free in the beginning. Note that this is an example of a One Time Offer, i.e. after you sign up for the free product there is a one time offer of an ‘upsell’ at a discounted price. A useful example for you to follow and watch how the sales effort unfolds.